The shocking failure of the current general election campaign to address the real and present danger to our nation caused by the collapsing Justice system must be redressed. That is why the largest rally in our history to focus on these issues is being held on the 23rd April. It is time the tide turned and the country wakes up to the reality that in this 800th year anniversary of Magna Carta the right of the ordinary citizen to stand up to the powerful, the wealthy, the large Corporations and to State funded prosecution has been and is being substantially eroded by cuts and imposition of financial penalties.
The average person is being abandoned and left to fend for themselves in a complex legal system. We must help people become aware of this crisis in our once renowned legal system. This damage will impact poorly and drastically upon the quality of justice for generations to come if we do not make a stand. It will weaken the Prosecution the Defence and the Judiciary and erode liberty. By attending this rally you will be demonstrating to the Nation that a stand should be taken.
We must make a stand right here and right now.
We must ask people to think about these dangers and consider a ‘Vote for Justice’.
This is a ticket only event. Registration commences on the day at 1330 hours. The meeting start at 1400 hours and is expected to last 3 and a half hours, finishing at 1730 hours. There will not be any refreshments due to time constraints so do bring your own water.