Committee Meeting

Minutes of the LCCSA AGM on 16/11/18 at the Crypt

PUBLISHED November 19, 2018

Present from committee: Mark Troman (MT) Steve Bird (SB) Jon Black (JB) Hesham Puri (HP) Rakesh Bhasin (RB) Rose Commander (RC) Kerry Hudson (KH) Peter Csemiczky (PC), Diana Payne (DP) Malcom Duxbury (MD) Claire Anderson (CA)
Numerous members attended and all proposed new committee members were present.
Apologies: Greg Powell, Charmaine Japaul and Theresa Hendrickx
Mark Troman: Minutes of previous AGM approved.
Rakesh Bhasin: Delivers report of Treasurer. No issues arise and approved, thanks given to RB as he retires from post.
Diane Payne: Delivers report of Training Officer, written version will be uploaded to the website.  She thanks Sara Boxer and HJA, committee grateful to her.
Mark Troman: Provides outgoing report on behalf of Greg Powell who sends his apologies.  Highs and lows of the year and likely issues ahead. Thanks to outgoing president and retiring committee members.
Officers appointed
President: Jon Black - MT proposed, MD seconded
Vice-president: Kerry Hudson - MT prop. Greg Foxsmith sec.
Junior Vice-president: Mark Troman - PC prop. KH sec,
Secretary: Peter Csemiczky – MT prop, HP sec
Treasurer: Hesham Puri – RB prop. RC sec.
Law Reform: Ed Jones - RC prop. RB sec.
Training: Diana Payne - JB prop, RB sec.
Media/Advocate: Rose Commander - PC prop. KH sec.                 
Elected to the committee:-
Adeela Khan: MT prop, PC sec
Danielle Reece-Greenhalgh: PC prop, RB sec.
Ed Smyth: MH prop, PC sec
The following were appointed as co-opted members:-
Rakesh Bhasin
Steve Bird
Malcolm Duxbury
Rhona Friedman
Raymond Shaw
Jenny Wiltshire

  • Stuart McDonald (memb) urged more interest in CPS engagement events by members and committee. More publicity needed.
  • Greg Foxsmith (past-pres) celebrates the successful opposition to breakfast and evening courts, thanks to all who campaigned against (he to be included).

The 70th Birthday was held thereafter.
Speech from Sir Brian Leveson, President of QB Division.
Speech by new President Jon Black who then introduced a video commissioned to celebrate the Association at 70 and to reflect upon the role of its members in the criminal justice system.