In the Media

Binyam Mohamed: Foreign Office in partial climbdown over redacted documents

PUBLISHED December 18, 2009

The Foreign Office has made a partial climbdown in its legal bid to suppress intelligence material relating to British resident Binyam Mohamed, who claims he was tortured by the CIA. 
The British Government has been attempting to overturn a High Court ruling that ordered the publication of 11 paragraphs blacked out from two court judgments about the former Guantanamo Bay detainee.

It claims that the release of the information - which includes summaries of the former terror suspect's treatment in custody - could damage national security and harm Britain's intelligence relationship with the US.

Reprieve, the legal charity which represents Mr Mohamed, said that the innocuous nature of the newly-published material undermined the Government's claims to be insisting on secrecy to protect national security.

Mr Mohamed was released earlier this year after seven years in US custody, including four in the camp at Guantanamo. He says any evidence against him was obtained through torture.

The Foreign Office said it would continue its legal effort to suppress the publication of the remaining paragraphs. "We will continue to argue strongly against UK courts ordering disclosure of US intelligence material," a spokesman said.