In the Media

ACPO comment on Police Service Strength Statistics ? September 2012

PUBLISHED January 31, 2013

ACPO lead on workforce development Chief Constable Sir Peter Fahy said:

"With 80 per cent of police budgets used on human resources and substantial cuts to policing budgets, it is not surprising that numbers of officers and staff have reduced. The service has risen to the challenge of dealing with significant financial cuts and reform. Chief officers have delivered the budget reductions asked of them while maintaining the protection of the public, demonstrating techniques of business transformation and change management which show the service is not short of talented and skilled officers and staff.

"Workforce morale is key during this period of change and ensuring our staff are rewarded and properly trained to do the job at hand is integral. Dealing with ambitious staff frustrated by the lack of promotion opportunities and ensuring the service continues to develop and nurture the brightest and the best that are truly representative of the communities we serve is one of the biggest challenges that we face."