LCCSA Response to Extended Court Hours

PUBLISHED July 15, 2020

We oppose the introduction of additional weekend courts or extending court hours in the week. The results of our recent survey of members shows that 95% of you are not prepared to attend additional court listings on Saturdays, rising to 96% for extended hours on weekdays. We have made your position clear in the various working groups we attend on behalf of the membership.
The reality for our members is that much of our work is already out of hours, be that in police station attendances, case preparation or with over-regulation by the LAA. We will not assist with any further encroachment into our limited free time.
Any extension of court hours would be discriminatory and unfair, having a particular impact on women and those with childcare responsibilities. We will continue to oppose this initiative and suggest sensible alternatives to assist tackling the backlog of cases including fully utilising the existing court estate, sourcing alternative court venues and properly funding all parts of the Criminal Justice System.