Legal Aid

Interactive guide for criminal legal aid solicitors

PUBLISHED November 30, 2009

The LSC has launched a new online interactive guide, entitled "legal aid in the criminal courts - a solicitors' guide".

It is a quick guide for solicitors that explains how legal aid will work in the Crown Court.

It also puts guidance on legal aid in the magistrates' court into the same document so you won't need to carry two around. 

With the new online guide solicitors can: 

  • View a page at a time on a laptop or palmtop by adjusting the screen view size using Adobe Acrobat Reader  
  • Jump forward and backwards through the document using hyperlinks - making it easy to use.
  • Advise clients using easy to use checklists
  • Help clients to complete the new CDS application forms (for use after 11 January in early adopter courts) using evidence checklists