In the Media

Activists face jail over car attack

PUBLISHED July 4, 2006

Three animal rights activists face jail for attacking a 75-year-old woman and her grandson who had a Countryside Alliance sticker in their car.

Natasha Avery, 38, Heather Nicholson, 39, and Daniel Wadham, 19, targeted them during a traffic queue in Richmond, southwest London. They allegedly pulled open the doors, banged the windows and abused the occupants, a 21-year-old man, his mother and grandmother. While trying to drag the man out the back seat they struck his grandmother. The woman is now too nervous to drive in London alone. 
At Kingston Crown Court yesterday Avery, Nicholson and Wadham admitted affray. Nicholson was remanded in custody. Avery and Nicholson, who founded the rights group Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty, have been jailed before.

The victims told the police that one of the women had shouted during the attack last November. Judge Nicholas Jones said that he would pass sentence later this month, adding: ?Custodial sentences do appear to be merited in relation to these matters.?