In the Media

Society warns LSB against diversity surveys

PUBLISHED March 6, 2013

Wednesday 06 March 2013 by Jonathan Rayner

The Law Society has joined a wave of criticism of the Legal Services Board (LSB) by warning against imposing mandatory diversity surveys on firms.

In its response to the LSB's draft business plan for 2013-14, the Society accuses the board of 'usurping the role of the approved regulators' and adding to the regulatory burden through its costs to the profession.

The business plan has also come under fire from the Bar Council and the Solicitors Regulation Authority, which said 'it is not clear that the organisation as a whole has sufficient knowledge or experience of the regulation of professions and conduct of business regulation'.

In its comments, published yesterday, the Society calls for a 'frank dialogue' between the LSB, regulators and the profession and has said that current work to make the LSB a licensing authority should 'be dropped'.

It also reminds the LSB that its role is not to drive regulatory change, but to ensure that the regulators are doing their job of 'protecting consumers and monitoring the integrity of the profession'.

While supporting the LSB's objectives on equality and diversity, the Society says that imposing a 'regulatory obligation' on firms to conduct surveys about the diversity of their workforce will deter employees in smaller firms from providing the information.

It says that the SRA is already carrying out important work on equality and diversity 'and it is not clear to us that further work is needed by the LSB now'.