The LCCSA have been contacted by the Traveller Movement via Doughty Street chambers to promote their recent work highlighting the experience of Gypsy, Traveller and Roma children in the CJS. Their briefing paper which will be of interest to you and can be found here . This will be followed up with articles in the press and with training events.
Many will have noticed in the new Sentencing Council guideline: Sentencing Children & Young People there is specific provision for the courts to consider the experiences of black and minority ethnic children and young people. The work of the Traveller’s Movement is to ensure this progressive step is extended to assist children from these groups as well.
The LCCSA intend to invite the Traveller Movement to hold a training event for members in the near future. The information in the short leaflet should stimulate deeper consideration of the issues we might encounter with such clients and enhance our ability to represent them.
Mark Troman
LCCSA Secretary