The use of NICE Investigate to share digital evidence – British Transport Police cases

PUBLISHED June 23, 2020

Click here: Letter for Defence and Judiciary - COVID response 3
Dear Members,
We share with you an update with regards to the use of NICE Investigate which will affect how digital evidence is shared with you for all British Transport Police cases:
To CJSM and EJudiciary user,
Re: Digital Evidence – Changes to service and presentation of Multimedia Evidence (MME) via NICE Investigate
I am writing in relation to NICE Investigate, which is the new cloud based Digital Evidence Management Solution (DEMS) used to obtain, manage and then submit digital multimedia evidence in to the Criminal Justice system.
This system has been in the development phase of many Forces across the country, and in response to COVID-19, is actively being mobilised by the following forces:
• Thames Valley Police – From 29th April 2020
• Surrey and Sussex – From 28th April 2020
• North Wales Police – From June 2020
• Merseyside Police – From June 2020
• British Transport Police – From 11th May 2020
• Cleveland Police – From June 2020
• Leicestershire Police – From June 2020
• Northamptonshire Police – From June 2020
New multimedia will imminently be shared by sending a secure hyperlink to an individual piece of media within an MG0 document for CPS review. Material will be disclosed/served in the IDPC bundle for Magistrates Courts or on the Digital Case System (DCS) in the Crown Court. The material in the NICE Investigate Portal will ultimately replace the current Egress links, although there will be some overlap for a transitional period as existing links to the Egress platform will continue for the life of the case. As with the current Egress links the hyperlink will continue to need to be downloaded from DCS before the link will become active.
To support you and colleagues with the launch of this system across the country, please access this link to access information -
You will find:
• User videos
• How-to guides which includes guidance for pre-registration (see below)
• Recorded Webinars
There is a simple registration process to follow to enable all users of or ejudiciary secure email to register accounts and access material via the NICE Investigate Portal. At the point you access your first hyperlink in the MG0 you will be taken to the NICE Investigate Portal to register following a few basic steps in the attached document.
Once you have completed registration, you will be able to access footage simply by clicking on a link, entering your user name (which needs to be your secure email address) and self-selected password (which will need to validate every 90 days) and this will automatically present the front screen of the footage to be played.
For registration or log-in issues with NICE Investigate or in response to NICE Investigate error messages - please go to and click on “CJ Login Support” to report your issue. Please be prepared with the following information:
• Description/screenshot of the issue (without evidence being shown)
• Time of the issue
• Name of Police Force
For any issues with the URL link not being active, please report this to the CPS using the current CPS generic secure email process.
Yours sincerely
Area LIT contact