
SUB Met identity parade procedures during lockdown

PUBLISHED November 16, 2020

It was brought to my attention that the Met had changed their identity parade procedures during lockdown.  I have obtained the following information from Chief Insp Walker-Tassell which applies across the Met:


  • Detainees are currently NOT being ‘live’ filmed and are NOT invited to attend the ID Suite to minimise risk of infection.  Remote filming is utilised, where facilities are available in the relevant custody suite, OR a suitable previous Video ID parade used if the suspect’s appearance is unchanged, OR the suspect’s most suitable custody photograph is used to compile a Still Image Video ID Parade.
  • Solicitors will be invited to attend the ID Suite to view parades, in accordance with Code D, Codes of Practice.  All attending the suite will be asked the Covid 19 questions and being willing to attend.  The Covid 19 questions ask whether a person is experiencing the relevant symptoms, is self-isolating, or in a vulnerable or shielded group.  Anyone answering YES to any of the questions cannot attend the ID suite.
  • All other members of public will be asked the Covid 19 questions PRIOR to their attendance at the ID Suite.
  • All staff and visitors are to observe Covid 19 hygiene measures upon arrival at the ID Suite.  These include washing hands and maintaining social distancing, as far as possible.
  • Prison visits and remote captures are currently suspended until further notice.  Images will be used rather than live capture.
  • There may be occasions where the Prison ID team may be required to conduct a witness showing away from the ID suites.  These should be conducted at police stations and NOT at home addresses, so Covid 19 social distancing measures can be observed and the environment is secure.


I hope this assists you to prepare to advise suspects and make representations if any of it is prejudicial on the facts of your case.


Kind regards,


Mark Troman