As part of a range of proposals aimed at reducing unnecessary burdens and costs on regulated firms and to ensure proportionate and targeted regulation, the SRA is consulting on the abolition of outcome 9.6 which prohibits the making of payments to an introducer in respect of clients who are the subject of criminal proceedings or who have the benefit of public funding.
The LCCCA is aware that this rule has caused some controversy in recent years and some embers of the association may hold strong views on this issue. This consultation though is occurring against the backdrop of the recent fee cuts in criminal legal aid and the introduction of dual contracts.
Before the LCCSA responds to this consultation which closes on 11th June we wish to canvas the views of our members with the intention that they inform our response. All contributions will be treated in the strictest confidence and many of you may wish to respond directly to this aspect of the SRA's consultation.
Please address your replies to me by e-mail . To read the consultation please follow this link -
Tony MEISELS - Law Reform Officer