Committee Meeting, Miscellaneous

Committee meetings and website review

PUBLISHED June 12, 2017

The LCCSA committee meets on the second Monday of each month (other than August) usually at 6.30.
We are grateful to Kingsley Napley solicitors for providing space at their offices to meet.
Members are entitled to attend any committee meeting and very welcome, but must notify our administrator Sara in advance so we can ensure there is sufficient space.
Please note that tonight's meeting starts earlier at 6.15pm
On tonight's agenda we are considering pitches from website designers, with a view to refreshing our website. If you are interested in this topic, and/or have expertise in this field, please do feel free to attend. If you are not attending but have any comments about what you would like to see from our website, please again let our administrator or one of the committee know by email in advance.