In the Media

ACPO comments on the Government?s intention to sell police training centre, Bramshill

PUBLISHED December 13, 2012

ACPO lead on workforce development, Chief Constable Sir Peter Fahy, said:

"Bramshill has been an extremely valuable asset to British policing for generations.
"It is disappointing to see it being sold before the College of Policing has had a chance to establish its own training needs and clarify what will be the future training provision.

"The sale of the facility will also create fear among forces that the cost for training, previously paid for centrally, will now have to come from local budgets.

"The ability of policing to act on a national basis to national standards rests on a leadership culture based on shared professional ethics and evidence-based practice. From our knowledge of other countries and successful professions, a place which embodies the best traditions and heritage plays an important role in supporting leadership culture.

"The facilities and dedicated staff at Bramshill have provided excellent training since the 1950s to many of the country's brightest and best police officers. We recognise the financial reality of Bramshill, but it is very unfortunate that the substantial investments made in the facilities over several years will now be sold instead of being used to the benefit of policing.

"Bramshill is also held in very high regard internationally for its work training thousands of police leaders from across the world. Its reputation will now be lost and the enormous influence it had overseas in benefitting the service will no longer exist."