In the Media

ACPO comment on the Home Secretary's decision on the Police Arbitration Tribunal's recommendations on police pay and conditions

PUBLISHED January 29, 2013

ACPO lead on workforce development Chief Constable Peter Fahy said:

"The police service is facing unprecedented levels of change. To deliver the essential public service of policing it must be flexible enough to respond to new demands within the context of significantly reduced funding.

"In a service where over 80% of budget is spent on people, it is more vital than ever that we have terms and conditions for all staff that both reward them for what they do and represent value for money. Within the principles of Tom Winsor's proposals for police pay and conditions ACPO has tried to work with other members of the Official Side to achieve practical and useful changes which recognise the professional status of policing and move towards a system where levels of pay reward expertise and contribution.

"ACPO was concerned about the starting salaries range proposed and the outcome of these negotiations means that Chief Constables will now have the flexibility to pay a starting salary of up to £22,000 depending on skills and qualifications. Officers can also reach the top rate of pay three years earlier than under the current arrangements.

"Police service funding has already been considerably reduced and further financial pressure lies ahead. Chief constables must have the means available to them to manage their workforce through these difficult times, even if that means taking steps that are unwelcome. The slow pace of progress through current pay machinery both hampers the ability to secure reform and prolongs uncertainty for officers and staff.

"We will continue to support the process and hope more progress can be achieved in negotiations ahead."