Legal Aid

VHCC task lists: change in submission procedure

PUBLISHED November 22, 2012

22 November 2012

New mandatory process from 1 December 2012 for submitting stage task lists for Very High Cost Crime (VHCC) work

All providers carrying out Very High Cost Crime (VHCC) work need to take note of a mandatory change to our process for submitting new stage task lists.
From 1 December 2012, all providers will need to submit task lists showing work they intend carrying out to their case manager (formerly contract manager) in the Complex Crime Unit.

This can be done by emailing the case manager at the relevant office:

London office -
Liverpool office -
Birmingham office -

Internal controls

This will help to improve our internal controls and ensure we continue to give you an efficient service.

The new stage tasks lists submitted to these e-mail addresses will be logged on the day of receipt and forwarded to your case manager.

All subsequent negotiations, mid-stage amendments and the submission of audits will continue to be direct with your case manager.

For further information, please e-mail the London office at the email address above.