Training on 6 January

PUBLISHED December 30, 2013

On the morning of 6 January 2014, there will be a training day, open to all solicitors in criminal practice. It will be held at Islington town hall, at 11.15am.

Members of the criminal Bar and others working in the courts are also likely to attend events organised by their representative groups on the same morning and it may well be that the courts will not be in full action until 2pm on that day.

Those fulfilling roles as duty solicitors are not encouraged to attend training. A full, non-binding set of guidelines on conduct for the 6 January has been sent to members by the LCCSA.

ItishopedthatthoseworkingintheMinistryofJusticewillnotethat,shouldthe plannedreformsbebroughtin,inadequatecoverageof the courts maybecome a regular feature in the criminal justice system.